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JIANG Yazhou, LIN Nan, YUAN Xingwei, JIAO Haifeng, SHENTU Jikang, LI Shengfa. Eff ects of an artifi cial reef system on demersal nekton assemblages in Xiangshan Bay, China[J]. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2016, 34(1): 59-68

Eff ects of an artifi cial reef system on demersal nekton assemblages in Xiangshan Bay, China

JIANG Yazhou1, LIN Nan1, YUAN Xingwei1, JIAO Haifeng2, SHENTU Jikang2, LI Shengfa1
1 East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200090, China;
2 Ningbo Academy of Oceanology and Fisheries, Ningbo 315012, China
In 2012, an artifi cial reef system was deployed in Xiangshan Bay, China, to enhance its fi shery resources. To determine the eff ect of the artifi cial reef system on the demersal nekton assemblages, a beforeafter- control-impact study design was applied. Comparisons of assemblages from impact and control habitats revealed that the assemblage in the impact area had a gradual response to reef deployment. The assemblages in the impact and control areas changed in diff erent ways after reef deployment. During the study period, total biomass, species richness and average body weight in the control area remained relatively stable, whereas there were signifi cant increases in these indicators in the impact area. Responses to the reefs diff ered among nekton species, inducing assemblage succession in the reefs post-deployment.Sparus macrocephalusand Cynoglossus abbreviatus benefited most from reef deployment. Conversely, smallsized shrimp Palaemon gravieri showed a progressive decrease in biomass following reef deployment. Overall, the artifi cial reef system diversifi ed the demersal nekton assemblage, enhanced the total biomass, and increased the proportion of large-sized species.
Key words:    artifi cial reefs|nekton assemblage|before-after-control-impact|Xiangshan Bay   
Received: 2014-09-14   Revised: 2014-11-03
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Articles by JIANG Yazhou
Articles by LIN Nan
Articles by YUAN Xingwei
Articles by JIAO Haifeng
Articles by SHENTU Jikang
Articles by LI Shengfa
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