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Natalya G. SHEVELEVA, Mydygma Ts. ITIGILOVA, Ayushcuren CHANANBAATOR. Morphology and biology of Cyclops scutifer Sars, 1863 in high mountain lakes of East Siberia (including Lake Amut)[J]. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2017, 35(2): 258-264

Morphology and biology of Cyclops scutifer Sars, 1863 in high mountain lakes of East Siberia (including Lake Amut)

Natalya G. SHEVELEVA1, Mydygma Ts. ITIGILOVA2, Ayushcuren CHANANBAATOR3
1 Institute of Limnology, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy Science, Ulan-Batorskaya 3, Irkutsk 664033, Russian Federation;
2 Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy Science, Nedorezova, 16 a, Chita 672014, Russian Federation;
3 Institute of Biology Mongolian Academy of Science, Pr. Zhukova, Ulan-Bator 210351, Mongolia
Data on zooplankton from 13 high-mountain lakes of East Siberia have shown that the Holarctic copepod Cyclops scutifer Sars, 1863 dominates among crustaceans. In July, its abundance comprised 64%-98% of the total plankton fauna in the pelagial of these lakes, approximately 30% in the littoral zone and 10% in small northern thermokarst lakes. Biometric measurements and morphological descriptions based on scanning microscope images are supplemented by the data on its geographic distribution and phenology.
Key words:    high mountain lakes|Cyclops scutifer|morphology|biology|distribution   
Received: 2015-04-02   Revised: 2015-06-24
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Articles by Natalya G. SHEVELEVA
Articles by Mydygma Ts. ITIGILOVA
Articles by Ayushcuren CHANANBAATOR
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